
Helping Regions to Reduce Health Inequalities

HCN Project, News Item – 01 June 2015

How HealthEquity 2020 project helped regions to prioritise local needs, prepare action plans and secure funds.

Prioritisation, Action Plans, and Securing Funding

Health Equity 2020

Dealing with health inequalities is not a new challenge. We have more than 30 years of history in this field. Yet, inequalities remain a constant problem despite improvements in data, knowledge, policies, and interventions. In our communities, health inequity is a circle that needs breaking. It is both the catalyst and product of unequal economic, social, and environmental conditions. This is inherently unfair, unjust, and avoidable.

Health Equity 2020 project

Over 42 months the HealthEquity-2020 project looked at how tackling health inequalities in EU regions could be done differently, putting in place sustainable foundations for effective actions.

HealthEquity 2020 Project Report

This short report tells the reader what the project did, why it took a highly interactive approach with participating regions, some of the challenges to a very interactive approach, what the project delivered and what can be done next to build on this work. This report is particularly relevant for policy makers, public authorities, public services, local communities and citizens who are thinking about how best to reduce health inequalities locally and so improve the attractiveness of regions and communities as places to live and work.

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