REDUCING HEALTH INEQUALITIES IN EUROPEAN REGIONS There are three main mechanisms through which socioeconomic health inequalities can be reduced: Reducing the inequalities in socioeconomic position itself, such as education, income, or wealth; Reducing the negative effect of a low socioeconomic position on health by improving determinants of health that are more prevalent among lower compared […]
26 September 2017
REDUCING HEALTH INEQUALITIES IN EUROPEAN REGIONS There are three main mechanisms through which socioeconomic health inequalities can be reduced: Reducing the inequalities in socioeconomic position itself, such as education, income, or wealth; Reducing the negative effect of a low socioeconomic position on health by improving determinants of health that are more prevalent among lower compared […]
30 July 2017
NEW PERSPECTIVES ON THE USE OF STRUCTURAL FUNDS FOR HEALTHCARE INVESTMENT EUREGIO III was funded to explore and assess the use of Structural Funds for health investment in the 2000-2006 and 2007-2013 SF cycles. During the project all EU regional health systems were facing significant change: demographic, epidemiological, technological and economic. This was compounded by […]
27 July 2017
It is shared and common prejudice that the costs for health care are rocketing and approaching the limits of affordability. This is not supported by evidence on expenditure over a 10 year period of economic change, intense health sector reform or consumer preferences and demand. A challenge shared by all European regional health systems in […]
15 July 2017